Sidero Metal

Kubernetes Bare Metal Lifecycle Management.

Automated. Secure. Simple.

Sidero Labs is no longer actively developing Sidero Metal. For an alternative, please see Omni. Unless you have an existing support contract covering Sidero Metal, all support will be provided by the community (including questions in our Slack workspace).

Sidero Metal uses Cluster API to automate bare metal server provisioning and lifecycle management. Clusters are provisioned (or re-provisioned) automatically, delivering a secure Kubernetes deployment.

Sidero includes a metadata service, PXE and TFTP servers, as well as BMC and IPMI management for automation.

Built on Kubernetes

Built on Kubernetes, making deployments fast and easy.

Inventory Management

Register your servers. Classify them. Deploy them.

Certified Kubernetes

Sidero Metal installs certified Kubernetes clusters secured with Talos Linux.

Sidero Metal is an Open Source project from the Sidero Labs team.